Wealth, My Take!
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Wealth, My Take!
Thursday, 20 January 2005
Words Of Encouragement
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: A Process Not An Event
Good Morning! Living Large is a process not an event. Be gentle and patient with yourself and enjoy the process.You'll end up with you just as you were meant to be living just the life you were meant to live. This isn't a race friends it's a journey! If your committed to it you should glory in each and every step. This isn't about money either it's about creating the reality that brings you joy and happiness and fullfillment. Whatever that is rest assured that you will have all of the recources you need. Time,Money,Opportunity it will all manifest as you give yourself over to your burning desires. Actively create with your mind and emotions then let the Universe do the work of manifesting. That means letting go and getting out of the way so the Universe can do it's work. If you find that things are not as you thought they would be you are free to create something new. You are the creator and the Universe is the Manifester. It doesn't try to do your job don't you try to do its job. I can't emphasize enough the powerful force that gratitude plays in the whole process. Say a great big heartfelt THANK YOU to the Universe every day. Now get out there and Live Large!

To Your Success

The Island Outlaw

Posted by islandoutlaw at 10:55 AM EST

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